Renaissance Investigation

This investigation is to be completed during class time.  Please spend some time to look through the pages on your own - use this as a learning opportunity, and not just an assignment to complete.  

Begin with a quick look at the Middle Ages.  What catastrophic event occurred that devastated the European population?  How did this affect the economy initially?  How did Europe recover?

Now go to this site on Leonardo da Vinci.  Read through the first page.  Click and read through all the links (Window, Linear & Aerial Perspective, and Right to Left).  Site a few examples illustrating how Leonardo da Vinci began to view the world more scientifically.

Now proceed to this site on Symmetry, Shape, and Size.  Read through the page and click on the link to the right (image).  Describe the golden mean and the Fibonacci series.

Finally, proceed to this site on Printing and Thinking.  Read through the page.  Discuss how influential Johannes Gutenberg's printing press was in terms of education and literacy.  How did his invention further influence the humanists?

Check out this webpage!  Albrecht Dürer's Magic Square.