Unit 5 Vocabulary: Clash of the Enlightened

Optional vocabulary is always due the day of the unit test:
1) Define the term in your own words in one or two sentences;
2) Discuss the significance or importance of the vocabulary term in one or two sentences.

1.   Old Regime & The Estates General
2.   National Assembly & The Tennis Court Oath
3.   Bastille Day & The Great Fear
4.   Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
5.   Olympe de Gouges & The Women's March on Versailles
6.   Legislative Assembly & The National Convention
7.   Maximilien Robespierre & the Reign of Terror
8.   The Directory & Napoleon's Coup d'etat
9.   The Napoleonic Empire, The Peninsular War & The Grand Army
10. The Congress of Vienna & The Concert of Europe)
